Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Morning All

Both Erin and I love to read comments from friends and family, but can we ask that if you are going to register the comment as "Anonymous" can you please sign your name at the bottom of the comment so we know who has left the comment :)


Monday, April 29, 2013

Packing Bags

Erin and I are in the midst of packing bags and ensuring we have all the necessities for a great trip away. We have both started taking our Malaria tablets (Doxycylene), so hopefully we avoid getting sick.

Over the month of May we will be trying to keep the blog up to date as we explore Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos. I expect there will be lots of culinary feedback as I will endeavor to try as much of the local cuisine as I can. I will also be seeking out the local beers and sampling those.....

The travel blog will contain commentary of our adventures as we go, photos of the places we visit, and also a map of our planned stops.

Anyways I hope you enjoy the blogs to come, happy trails.